Scholarly Activities
Selected as one of the first six Legacy Project recipients
I was identified from within the Osteopathic Profession, by the A.T.S.U. Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, the A.T.Still Research Institute and the Cranial Academy.
I spent 4 days in Kirksville being interviewed, participated in a panel discussion, was videoed treating patients while explaining my management strategy.
Made a presentation to the AOA Bureau of Research discussing the innovative research I was doing with Tensegrity Physical Therapy in Eugene Oregon. We demonstrated immediate statistical and fractal significant change post sequenced OMT utilizing a sophisticated treadmill.
Received the William B. & Eloise W. Sturgill Distinguished Professorship Award
University of Pikeville
“In recognition of the love, spirit and commitment you have shown to the University of Pikeville and for advancing education in Eastern Kentucky"
Oregon Osteopathic Association Convention
I conducted a two - day cranial course
I have developed a unique manipulative approach to cranial care. The Cranial Academy, invited me to teach a 3 day course for their membership. The course was well received according to the course evaluations.
During the American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation, I was asked to make three contributions:
During the first presentation I discussed the unique research I am conducting with associates in Eugene, OR. Many attending got really excited about our unique approach and data demonstrating immediate Ground Reactive Force changes once sequenced OMT was utilized.
During the second presentation I discussed a Complex Adaptive Systems explanation for understanding our research data.
My 3 day presentation was a workshop discussing and demonstrating a unique Gait diagnosis and treatment approach I have developed and was utilized during our Osteopathic research treatment sessions. This was well received and the Academy invited me to develop a 3 day course on my unique gait approach. The course will be presented in July 2016.
The American Academy of Osteopathy invited me to repeat the 3 day Cranial course I did in February for the Cranial Academy; the course evaluations were very positive.
Washington, D.C.
I was one of 2 American Osteopathic Physicians invited to present at the BIG VII Conference;
BioTensegrity Interest Group. I was invited to present my Ground Reactive Force research changes following my AGR/Sequenced OMT. I was also invited to participate in a panel discussion with some of the biggest international names in Fascia Research and treatment. I was also invited to conduct a workshop demonstrating my unique Gait diagnosis and treatment approach. My presentations were very positively received.
I was invited to be the 3 - day presenter for the annual Ohio CORE
(Committee on Osteopathic Research and Education) OPP seminar.
This was a 2 day faculty development seminar.
I completed a chapter for a German Textbook.
The German edition is in print, the English edition was released January 22, 2018.
The book is being organized by a group of excellent German MD’s who are very skilled and effective manual practitioners based on Osteopathic Principles. They are using my unique OPP approach of starting your OMT at the Key Lesion/Area of Greatest Restriction and sequencing as a major focus of the book which will be comparable to the Foundation of Osteopathic Medicine published by the AOA.
Presented 2 - 1.5 Hour Worshops at the American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation
Finding the Key somatic dysfunction and sequencing the treatment
OMED/AAO Convention
Presented a 3 hour workshop on diagnosing and treating Gait dysfunction
Presented at the International Osteopathic Congress in Berlin
I was asked to discuss the Postural / Biomechanical Model
I conducted 2 - 3.5 hour workshops on Finding the Key somatic dysfunction and sequencing the treatment
I also conducted 2 - 3.5 hr. workshops on diagnosing and treating Gait dysfunctions
Virginia Tech College of Osteopathic Medicine
Faculty Development Seminar
New model of Mesokinetic / Musculo-Skeletal System, Pelvic mechanics and Gait.
Finding the Key Somatic dysfunction and sequencing treatment
Diagnosing and treating Gait Dysfunctions
Sutural approach to cranial manipulation
Discuss my Eugene research
AAO Convocation
I have been identified as an Osteopathic Legend
I presented 4 - 1.5 hour workshops on the
Stiles Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
27th Southwestern Medical Conference
Cosponsored by Arizona Osteopathic Association and Cleveland Clinic.
April 27-29, 2018 in Tucson, AZ.
I conducted a 4 hour workshop for D.O.s, M.D.s, P.T.s, N.P.s, P.A.s.
It was a fascinating experience and well received.
Fascia Research Congress - November
I was invited to present a poster.
It was one of 70 selected out of over 300 submitted abstracts.
The Use of Sequenced Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment ( OMT ) and Area of Greatest Restriction - Hindrance ( AGR-H ) Model to Identify and Resolve Control Parameters Inhibiting Optimal Motor Control in a BioTensegrity System: measured utilizing a Pressure Sensitive Treadmill.
See in Resources section
One Day Faculty Development Program for LMU - COM
January 12, 2019
Finding Area of Greatest Restriction - Hindrance and Sequencing
American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation
Orlando, Florida
March 12 - 20
I was asked to produce a video about Muscle Energy Techniques to be part a library for M.D.s involved in A.C.G.M.E. Osteopathic Recognition residency programs.
I also did two - 2 hour workshops plus a lecture during Convocation.