21st Century Clinical Osteopathic Approach
In this context, the disease process could be viewed as localized chaos embedded or enmeshed within the dynamic and complex host. The allopathic/disease - orientated approach is to address the disease process while host orientated care can simultaneously attempt to enable the host to realize its potential and “throw off” the disease process. As I mentioned earlier, frequently both approaches must be utilized for the patient to realize their health potential.
Because of this body complexity, this dynamic and adaptive system must be therapeutically approached with respect. When providing OMT, it is important to locate, and treat initially, the most dysfunctional area, area of greatest restriction - HINDRANCE [AGR - H] or key area. The appropriate OMT technique chosen must be the one which most effectively addresses the nature of the Restrictive Barrier (AGR). Then the next AGR is appropriately identified and treated. You keep treating the sequential AGRs as long as the dysfunctions quickly and effectively respond to appropriate OMT.
Treating the first AGR will correct that dysfunction plus 25 - 30% of the body’s adaptive somatic dysfunctions to that first AGR. Treating the second AGR may change another 20-30% of the body’s remaining adaptive somatic dysfunction. You keep sequencing the patient until the tissues resist further change. The body is demonstrating the patient has changed and adapted to its limit for that day.
The bottom line for OMT is that it can not be “cook - booked.” Each patient must be treated uniquely according to their individual sequence and identified restrictive barriers.
“Cookbooked” or protocol driven OMT frequently is ineffective or offers only temporary relief.
I personally have trouble believing we can effectively enable patients to realize their health potential with traditional/allopathic care by treating only the disease component.
This is especially true if:
Somatic dysfunction, impacting the cell/clinical schematic arms, is producing somato-visceral and visceral-somatic reflexes, or is impairing their tensegrity potential...this somatic dysfunction can be playing a crucial clinical role and may have predisposed the patient to their current condition (illness)
Allostatic load issues are not effectively addressed and are complicating the patients clinical condition.
Simultaneously treating both of the somatic dysfunction and allostatic load components, in addition to providing quality traditional/allopathic/disease care, should help the patient realize their health potential and lead long productive lives.
In addition, new 21st Century Complex Adaptive Systems concepts and language are available to better understand and explain Osteopathic Principles and Practice. Enclosed are some examples of their appropriateness.